The Hostess
  The Dark Gift Web Site | October: Halloween 2016 | Photos of Vampires of the World | Who is Mistress of the Night? | Contacting Mistress of the Night | Fan Fiction and Drawings and Video | Vampire Links to BLOOD! | Team Lestat  

My E-mail

My Address

Mistress of the Night
C/O The Dark Gift
for now you will have to E-mail

Reason: My Crypt needs to be a Secret cause you know how those Vampire Hunters can get. I will only give out Address to Fledglings of "The Dark Gift" it will no longer be posted on the Site.  E-Mail Address you can write is ( Thanks.


Mistress other E-mail address
Mistress of the Night
Frist Site of The Dark Gift
Mistress of the Night

Remember: We Do Bite \(^^^)/